All eyes on
beauty lovers
ONSITE and OFFSITE Advertising Solutions to help you succeed
We convince beauty lovers of your product at the right time and in the right place. Whether in DOUGLAS online-stores or on the web and social media, we offer the perfect data-driven advertising solution.


Sponsored Product Ads
Steigert die Sichtbarkeit, Auffindbarkeit und Kaufwahrscheinlichkeit im digitalen Regal
Audience Ads
Steigert Brand Consideration und Bekanntheit
Video Ads
Entdecke die Power der DOUGLAS Videowerbung!OffsiteKampagnen

Social and Display Advertising
Einzigartige Reichweite für Eure Marke
Search Engine Advertising
From the search engine straight to your brand on DOUGLAS
Audience Solutions
Entdecke das Potenzial deiner Zielgruppe mit DOUGLAS Audience SolutionsProduct testKampagnen

DOUGLAS Beauty Tester
Experience the power of word-of-mouth marketing and increase the success of your products through high-quality product test reviews from our DOUGLAS community!